Learning Analytics Webinar 17 March 2025

Enrolment form

Please read carefully. Fields with an asterisk (*) must be filled in before you can submit the form.
Your privacy
Do you agree that ETUI keeps your data to contact you again for other courses?
ETUI respects your privacy. We collect personal data from you only. These will be used solely for the education proposes that you have requested to enrol to with ETUI. During the education activities, ETUI provides participants with access to its website which is password protected. Participants can retrieve training materials, audio-visual and material produced during the training, these should not be to be shared outside the training context. ETUI complies with its obligations under the General Data Protection Regulation by keeping personal data up to date; by storing and destroying it securely in ETUI premised; by not collecting or retaining excessive amounts of data; by protecting personal data from loss, misuse, unauthorised access and disclosure and by ensuring that appropriate technical measures are in place to protect personal data. ETUI, as a data controller is responsible under General Data Protection Regulation for obtaining your consent. By consenting to this privacy notice you are giving us permission to collect your personal data for the purpose identified above. ETUI does not transfer your data to any third parties and outside EU. ETUI shares data with trainers, travel agency, third parties, etc. We may disclose information to government bodies and to the European Commission. We will never share data other than for the purpose for which it was provided to us and we do not sell data out. You have the right to update your personal data at any time or to ask further information on how your data is used. Please contact education@etui.org.
Your details
Your organisation
Belong to a trade union
Full name in your language and in abbreviation
Experience and language skills
Language(s) spoken and understood
Which languages do you speak?
Participant Online training data Template
ETUI respects your privacy. We are updating our data protection policies following the GDPR principles and legal requirements. By submitting this form, you allow us to collect and process personal data about you for the purposes of this event. If you later wish to modify your personal data in our database, please send an email to mnikolova@etui.org
You also allow ETUI to send you information related to the services that you have selected in the list above. You have the ability to modify your preferences at any time, please contact us should you want to do so. You also have the right to ask for further information on how your personal data is processed by ETUI, please contact dataprivacy@etui.org to do so.